«Hotelbooker is a great help for me and makes the search for suitable locations for meetings, workshops or company events much easier. The team reacts super fast, looks for the right solution and I can always rely on their expertise. The hotels and event locations are always characterized by uncomplicated customer service, and by a high service orientation. Our Christmas party at the PostFinance Arena in Berne last winter was very well received by the staff! Many thanks for the great support - no matter how short notice or unusual the request.»
Claudia Fiechter, Unilabs
«For years hotelbooker has been assisting me in my search for suitable hotels and premises. I appreciate the excellent service very much and count on the competent staff of hotelbooker also in the future.»
Lucia Bühler, Aargauische Kantonalbank
«Hotelbooker - for many years a very nice and extremely competent cooperation!»
Kerstin Panchaud, Skyguide
«hotelbooker helps quickly and competently to find the ideal location!»
Laurent Wettstein, Erdgas
«The hotelbooker Ladies are a great team and always support me very gladly, competently and efficiently in my search for hotels for events, meetings, trainings etc. I appreciate this long lasting cooperation very much and I can recommend it 100%. For the future I wish hotelbooker continued success and I am looking forward to a continued very good cooperation.»
Claudia Duss, Migrol AG
«hotelbooker ist sehr engagiert und ein grosser Support in der Eventorganisation. Meine Arbeit fällt mir dadurch um einiges leichter.»
Stobag AG, Nicole Bühler
«Ich bedanke mich bei Ihnen für die tolle Zusammenarbeit und bin wirklich sehr zufrieden mit Ihrem Service. Es ist extrem hilfreich wenn man nicht selbst suchen muss 😊»